Apr 24, 2010

In Defense Of The Double-Down

We have all seen the television spots. We have all seen the news reports. We have all seen, heard and read the mockery, disgust and overall horror. But is the new KFC Double-Down really something to fear and loathe?
Now I am not going to defend this sandwich on any nutritional or ethical boundaries. What KFC puts into their food and into their chickens is a different matter entirely, and best saved for animal rights activists than myself. However, I am doing to defend this sandwich on its execution and delivery. Let us start by first deconstructing the sandwich.
The Double-Down consists of:
  • 2 chicken breast halves
  • 2 slices of cheese
  • 2 pieces of bacon
  • Sauce
Obviously chicken, cheese and bacon is abhorrent and so far off the deep end it is something to rage about, right? Well not really. Go into any Italian or French restaurant here in America, and I guarantee you will find one of many dishes consisting of chicken breasts, cheese and maybe bacon. Why is it then that paying $15 for this stuff on a plate is ok, yet drop a few dollars on the go and suddenly its over the top? It just seems like such an overreaction.
Another point on the Double-Down is, if it had the bread, no one would care! Why is a triple-stack cheeseburger acceptable, but a chicken sandwich minus the bun is unholy? Again, an overreaction.
I say, leave the Double-Down alone. Its not unusual. Its not weird. Its not "too much". Health wise its a death trap, but an oddity it is not.

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